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Feb. 7, 2024

Embracing the 'Hurkle-Durkle': A Modern Mingle of Self-Care and Productivity

Embracing the 'Hurkle-Durkle': A Modern Mingle of Self-Care and Productivity

In a world where the alarm clock doesn't just signal a new day but a race against time, carving out moments of tranquility seems almost revolutionary. Amidst the sea of productivity hacks and power morning routines on social media, a quirky Scottish term has resurfaced, offering a counter-narrative to the hustle culture.

"Hurkle-Durkle," a concept dating back centuries, implies lingering in bed, embracing the coziness as daylight creeps in. With the trend resurfacing on TikTok, one begins to wonder: Is there wisdom in this ancient practice, and is it something modern women should be exploring?

The Allure of Hurkle-Durkling

The thought of indulging in a slow morning is not without its charm. In a society perennially hustling, hurkle-durkling emerges as a soothing balm to the chronically overwhelmed soul. It's an act of rebellion against the notion that one must always be productive, a reclamation of time for oneself.

The Heart of Self-Care

Hurkle-durkling isn't merely lazing around; it's an intentional pause in an otherwise unrelenting schedule. This trend is a form of self-care, according to experts like Marisha Mathis and Dr. Jessica Gold. It can serve as a powerful technique for resetting your mental space, proving beneficial for starting your day with clarity and intention.

The Risks of Overindulgence

Like all good things, balance is crucial. While indulging in a lengthy hurkle-durkle session can sound enticing, there's a thin line between a rejuvenating practice and a habit that encourages avoidance or exacerbates feelings of isolation and depression.

The Psychology Behind the Trend

Underneath the whimsical veneer of hurkle-durkling lies significant psychological consideration. The act can be a barometer for your mental health. It's essential to recognize when it becomes an escape mechanism versus a restorative practice.

Listening to Our Bodies and Minds

Our desire to remain nestled under the covers can sometimes be our body's way of signalling a deeper need for rest, suggesting that paying attention to our body's cues is as critical as the act of hurkle-durkling itself.

The Right Way to Hurkle-Durkle

Adopting this trend requires mindfulness. It's not about shirking responsibilities but rather allocating time for self-reflection and calm before the day's demands take hold.

Setting Boundaries and Being Intentional

Setting time limits and ensuring no interruptions can help make hurkle-durkling a constructive part of your routine. Engaging in mindful activities during this time, like journaling or listening to soothing music, can amplify its benefits.

Balancing Act

Incorporating hurkle-durkling into one's life calls for a level of self-awareness to prevent it from becoming a gateway to procrastination or avoidance.

The Social Aspect of Hurkle-Durkling

Despite its solitary nature, the hurkle-durkle trend has sparked a sense of community and shared experience on social media. This collective embrace of rest as a priority is altering the conversation around self-care and productivity.

Finding Community in the Trend

Engaging with others who appreciate and share their experiences with hurkle-durkling can provide a sense of solidarity, reinforcing the notion that it's acceptable to take a break.

The Impact of Hurkle-Durkling on Productivity

Oddly enough, this trend of delayed starts might not be the enemy of productivity but its unexpected ally. By allowing the brain some downtime, we might be creating more room for creativity and efficiency.

Reframing Productivity

Understanding and embracing the reality that sometimes the best way to be productive is to pause could lead to a more sustainable pace of work and better mental health outcomes.


Ultimately, hurkle-durkling has its place in the pantheon of self-care practices. In moderation, it can offer undeniable benefits, from reduced stress levels to enhanced mental clarity. As modern women navigate the complexities of life, finding balance with this trend could well be the key to a more harmonious existence. It invites the question: might your tomorrow be more fruitful after a day that starts with a gentle hurkle-durkle?

To Hurkle-Durkle or Not

The answer seems to be a wholehearted "sometimes." So, give yourself permission to indulge in the occasional hurkle-durkle, but always with mindfulness and intent. After all, the true art of self-care lies in knowing when to rest and when to rise.

As the hurkle-durkle becomes a small but mighty act of self-preservation in our relentless world, let us embrace this trend with open arms—and perhaps a snooze button.