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March 28, 2024

Explaining Anxiety

Demystifying Anxiety: Empowering Yourself Through Understanding and Acceptance

By: Randi Owsley, LMSW, Licensed Psychotherapist.

From the heart of sisterhood, we gather again to lift the veil on a topic that intimately affects many of us: anxiety. We are diving deep into what anxiety is, its role in mental health, and how to mindfully incorporate it into your self-care routine.

Illuminating Anxiety

Anxiety goes beyond occasional worry or stress. It is a persistent feeling of excessive worry, fear, or nervousness, related to everyday situations. It’s a hurdle that many face - in fact, around 275 million people worldwide are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Why Discussing Anxiety Matters

Understanding and accepting anxiety is a key pillar of mental health. It is not a sign of weakness or a flaw in your character. Rather, it's a part of our human experience, a signal that your brain is trying to keep you safe by alerting you to potential dangers. Recognizing anxiety, acknowledging its presence, and responding with gentleness and compassion is at the crux of our mental well-being.

Embracing Anxiety in Your Self-Care Routine

Knowing how to care for ourselves in the midst of anxiety can make a world of difference. Here's a path towards this self-nurturing journey:

1. Acknowledge Your Anxiety

Acceptance is the first step to healing. Find a quiet moment to understand what you're feeling and why, without judgment.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation

Ground yourself in the present moment through mindfulness practices or meditations. It is a refuge from anxious thoughts that tend to drift towards an imagined future.

3. Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety by boosting your mood and acting as a natural stress reliever.

4. Healthy Eating Habits

Our mental and emotional health are entwined with what we consume. Prioritize a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.

5. Professional Help

If anxiety persists, it may be helpful to reach out to mental health professionals. It’s a testament to your strength to seek help when you need it.

Navigating New Horizons

Fastening the laces on the shoes of discovery and introspection, we continue running along the pathways of our hearts, tracing the tender contours of our unique experiences with anxiety. Remember, dear ladies, there is immense power in our collective journey: in our shared stories, shared wisdom, shared laughter, and even shared tears.

Empower yourself with knowledge and acceptance. Harness the right tools. You are not alone; let's continue to embrace ourselves, each other, and the full spectrum of our emotions, including anxiety.


  1. Mayo Clinic: Anxiety disorders

  2. Our World in Data: Anxiety disorders

  3. Harvard Health Publishing: Mindfulness meditation may ease anxiety, mental stress

  4. Anxiety and Depression Association of America: Physical Activity Reduces Stress