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March 26, 2024

Explaining Holistic Healing

Explaining Holistic Healing

Embracing Wholeness: The Path to Holistic Healing

By: Randi Owsley, LMSW, Licensed Psychotherapist

Dear resilient souls, today we unfold the journey of holistic healing together, exploring its essence and the profound impact it has on our mental wellness. Envisioned as a compassionate embrace, holistic healing is not just about treating symptoms but nurturing the entire self—mind, body, and spirit.

What is holistic healing?

Holistic healing transcends conventional approaches by viewing the individual as a whole. This method interweaves various practices, considering emotional, physical, social, and spiritual factors as central to overall well-being. It’s about aligning the intricate layers of our existence to foster health, happiness, and harmony.

The Significance of Holistic Healing in Mental Health

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to compartmentalize our struggles, treating each issue in isolation. Yet, this approach often leaves the roots untouched. Holistic healing sheds light on the interconnectedness of our experiences, emphasizing that each part of us affects the whole.

Statistics reveal that integrative health approaches—a cornerstone of holistic healing—significantly reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, embracing holistic practices can enhance our resilience, empowering us to navigate life's ebbs and flows with grace and strength.

Weaving Holistic Healing Into Your Self-Care Routine

Holistic healing is a deeply personal journey, one that asks us to look inward with kindness and courage. Here are some ways to invite holistic healing into your life:

Listen Intently

Tune into your body and mind regularly. Understand that your emotions hold wisdom and your body speaks through sensations. Cultivating this mindfulness deepens your connection with yourself.

Nourish Your Body

Your physical well-being deeply impacts your mental health. Embrace a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and ample rest. Remember, what fuels your body fuels your mind.

Cultivate Connections

We are relational beings, and our bonds play a vital role in our health. Nurture relationships with individuals who uplift and support you, fostering a sense of belonging and love.

Find Your Spirit

Whether through meditation, prayer, nature, or art, connect with what feels sacred to you. Spiritual wellness is a personal journey towards understanding deeper truths and connecting with the world beyond the physical.

Embrace Integrative Practices

Consider complementary approaches such as yoga, acupuncture, or aromatherapy. These practices can harmonize the mind and body, offering pathways to peace and well-being.

Seek Professional Guidance

Embarking on a holistic healing journey doesn't mean navigating alone. Professionals trained in holistic practices can offer tailored guidance, supporting you in cultivating a richer, more balanced life.

Our Collective Journey

Ladies, let’s remember that healing is not a race, nor is it linear. It's a mosaic made of moments, choices, and practices that reflect our commitment to nurturing every facet of our beings. Holistic healing invites us to embrace our complexities and treat ourselves with the same compassion we extend to others.

In unity, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health, championing a holistic approach that honors our inherent strength and beauty. Together, let’s continue to inspire and uplift each other, creating a tapestry of wellness woven with love, understanding, and respect.


  1. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). (2022). Mental Health: Considerations for Complementary Health Approaches [online]. Available at: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/mental-health


Randi Owsley believes through every word and extends a hand to guide, support, and walk with you on this healing journey. Let's foster a community where holistic healing is not just an idea, but a lived, shared, and celebrated reality.