Braving Bipolar: Navigating Diagnosis and Self-Identity
In this gripping episode of the Women's Mental Health Podcast, we courageously dive headfirst into the challenging waters of undergoing a "Bipolar Diagnosis in Women".
Accompany us in this raw, honest conversation, as we break down the stereotypes and shed light on the often misunderstood path of coping with bipolar disorder.
Our expert hosts, Randi Owsley, LMSW and Jessica Bullwinkle, LMFT, armed with 22 years of experience in women's mental health, guide us through "Strategies for Coping After a Bipolar Diagnosis", along with offering much-needed insights on "Understanding Your Bipolar Diagnosis".
Designed to create a lifeline for women seeking mental health resources, feeling isolated, grappling with self identity, and hungering for effective coping skills and self-care, this episode is your safe harbor.
Join us as we buoy your resilience, fortify your self-love, and reassure you that you are never alone in your journey.
Unravel the "Impact of a Bipolar Diagnosis on Women's Health" and discover a wealth of "Support and Resources for Women with a Bipolar Diagnosis". Get ready to step into a community that empathizes, uplifts, and champions your triumph over adversity. Your mental wellness journey starts here.
Embarking on the journey to better understand your Bipolar Diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but our Women's Mental Health Podcast is here to guide you every step of the way.
In a safe, supportive, and empowering space, we invite you to join real-life conversations about the Impact of a Bipolar Diagnosis on Health, and unravel the complexities surrounding Understanding Bipolar Diagnosis.
Our diverse range of episodes equips you with invaluable Strategies for Coping After a Bipolar Diagnosis the tools to manage bipolar, and the know-how when it comes to Early Detection and Diagnosis of Bipolar.
Together, we'll dive deep into what you can Expect After a Bipolar Diagnosis, fostering an open, compassionate, and relatable dialogue that reminds you, you are far from alone in this challenging chapter. Welcome to your powerful community, dedicated to uplifting your emotional balance and nurturing your mental wellness.
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Women's Mental Health Podcast, created by licensed psychotherapists Randi Owsley MSW and Jessica Bullwinkle LMFT, offers resources for those navigating mental health. This podcast or social media are not psychotherapy, a replacement for a therapeutic relationship, or substitute for mental health care. All thoughts expressed are for educational and entertainment purposes, no psychotherapeutic relationship exists by virtue of listening, commenting, or engaging. Our platform could contain affiliate links, which if used, might earn us a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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Ep 20 Bipolar Full Episode
[00:00:00] Randi: 1, 2, 3, 4. Hi friends. It's Randy and Jess, and we're gonna cut
[00:00:07] Jess: the bullshit and let's get into women's mental health.
[00:00:14] Randi: Welcome to the podcast unapologetically All over the place with Randy and Jess, where we talk about women's mental health issues and how it's all normal. In this
[00:00:23] Jess: episode we will talk about the diagnosis of bipolar.
[00:00:27] Randi: We're going to walk through the different types of bipolar and what they mean and how they are treated.
We're also
[00:00:32] Jess: gonna explore Selena Gomez's recent documentary and how her diagnosis of being bipolar and why it's so important that she shared her experiences. Mm-hmm. .
[00:00:41] Randi: So have you guys ever thought my moods are all over the place. Maybe I'm bipolar.
[00:00:48] Jess: Why are so many celebrities bipolar?
[00:00:51] Randi: Why do people joke about being bipolar?
[00:00:54] Jess: Does bipolar
[00:00:55] Randi: ever go away? And what causes being bipolar? Right.
[00:00:59] Jess: Those are all great
[00:01:00] Randi: questions. Yeah. And very valid questions. And I think, um, bipolarism is something that we just don't talk about enough. Mm-hmm. ,
[00:01:07] Jess: we joke about it. Oh, I'm being moody, I'm bipolar
[00:01:10] Randi: today. Right. We do joke about it a lot. Um, and I think that kind of discounts, um, how serious bipolar diagnosis can.
[00:01:20] Jess: hard to diagnose bipolar sometimes. It's so tricky because it can mimic other stuff. It's a mental illness and it causes like dramatic shifts in somebody's mood or energy or like their ability to
[00:01:32] Randi: think clearly. Yeah, some really major mood shifts
[00:01:36] Jess: and not just like, I'm moody and PMSy Moody, but like extreme highs and
[00:01:42] Randi: lows?
Yes. Very, very, very right. Extreme like and very, very low. So it's not just like a normal, everyday kind of like up and down. It's like, wow, like this is changing my whole personality and I can't cope at all.
[00:01:57] Jess: Right. I once had someone, um, I had asked him what is it like being bipolar? And she said, you know, when I'm being in my highs, my manix mm-hmm.
she says, I feel like if I could bottle me up and sell me, the world should see, should feel this. Mm-hmm. , but on her low lows. , she'd be like, I can't get outta bed and I haven't showered in a week. Right.
[00:02:17] Randi: So real dramatic. Yeah. And so it's like your total ability to almost function is just like disintegrated.
[00:02:25] Jess: Mm-hmm. . So the average onset is about 25. Mm-hmm. , it can happen in teenagers. Um, more uncommon is when they're littles. Um, we don't typically will say bipolar. We wanna wait for them to be older, 18 and above. Yeah. It
[00:02:40] Randi: usually, like you said, like when you're in your, um, you know, adulthood, kind of early adulthood and you have like, maybe like a hormonal shift and things like that.
Well, and it's
[00:02:50] Jess: hard, right? Because teenagers are Moy. Oh
[00:02:52] Randi: my gosh. Oh yeah. So that's why, I mean, people say that offhandedly too, like, oh my God, my teen is so bipolar. And you know, with like TikTok trends and stuff mm-hmm. , like people showing clips of like small, like mood changes and stuff. And people are like, I have that.
And it's like, so it's really hard only seeing a small clip of somebody and what they're experiencing and knowing if that is truly what somebody is going through. Well, and we
[00:03:19] Jess: throw that name around bipolar so much, but it really only affects about 3% of the population, right?
[00:03:25] Randi: It's a very small, well that are diagnosed and even diagnosed correctly is probably a smaller right, uh, rate of people.
[00:03:34] Jess: So let's talk symptoms because if we run through these symptoms, the first part is mood in this can
[00:03:40] Randi: be what? Mood swings, sadness, uh, uh, like a high feeling of mood. Um, extreme low sadness, anger, anxiety. Um, apprehension. Euphoria. Mm-hmm. . So like extreme like happiness, like kind of like out of the blue.
Feeling discontent with your life? Kinda off balance or like extreme guilt, utter hopelessness. Um, what other things kind of come into play to
[00:04:09] Jess: that? Well, when we start looking at like, the behavioral, right? Mm-hmm. . Cause as a therapist I have to look at a couple of different things, right? Right. Well, we do, and so like behavioral, you know, we look at like risk taking behaviors.
That's one of the huge key signs that I look at, right? Mm-hmm. , and I'm talking about. Recklessly driving.
[00:04:26] Randi: Right. Or like, um, putting yourself in like situations that are dangerous. Mm-hmm. , um, having a lot of maybe like having like unprotected sex or something like that. Like lots of that like, you know, almost like feeling kind of like you're, you were like a nim info maniac, but like out of the blue, right?
It's like not your normal character, and then all of a sudden you have like this influx, like this hyperactivity that you. Impulsivity that you're doing like nonstop.
[00:04:52] Jess: Well, and that's why it gets so, um, mixed up with ADHD is because of the hyperactivity impulsivity piece, right? Yeah. Right. Because it, they, they kind of mimic each other.
It's a really hard
[00:05:02] Randi: one. It is. Cuz I, in college and stuff, when I was undiagnosed, I can see cuz I was very like impulsive and reckless and things like that in my behavior, you know, and finding out that I was adhd, like I understood that, but I didn't. The manic like euphoria or like grandiose I ideas is kind of like what the technical term is, where you think like, you know, like I'm the king of the world like kind of thing.
I'm amazing.
[00:05:27] Jess: Right? Yeah. And the other is self-harm. Mm-hmm. , all of it is self-harm. And that's like too much drinking, too much, too much excessive. Anything that's causing harm, not just physical harm to yourself.
[00:05:39] Randi: Yeah. I had seen like a video of a girl that was talking about one of her episodes with, um, bipolarism and she was saying like she just like got in the car and she drove cross country like by herself at night and like the whole time, like just nonstop and.
Like in her pajamas and just, and then she got, you know, to the other side of the US and was like, what did I just do? Right? Cause now you gotta undo that. Right. And she had like, She didn't tell anybody like where she was going, what she was doing. Like, you know, and then she was like saying, but like I was in kind of like this manic state and like I could have hurt myself or gotten an, she almost kind of like blacked out, you know, like when it happened, you're, you kind of go like on this autopilot high.
[00:06:24] Jess: The racing thoughts. The false belief of like that you are the God or the amazing person.
[00:06:31] Randi: Yeah. Like I'm the best at this. Like everybody loves me. Like yeah. These like extremes are like, I can fly off this building. Like, no you can't. You know, but like your thoughts are just like so impulsive and like, Coming to the front of your mind mm-hmm.
that you almost, you have no control over it almost.
[00:06:50] Jess: And those are the ones that are typically easier to diagnose. Right. Because then when you have the depression, that's the, I'm so depressed. And then you, I don't know why I'm depressed. Mm-hmm. . Or I'm not able to shower or I'm not eating. So you have either or.
I'm eating too much. Right, right. I mean, it just seems to mimic so many other
[00:07:10] Randi: things. Yeah. Because then a lot of times people can think, well, I'm just depressed. Well, there's like different levels of this, right? Mm-hmm. , and usually with bipolar it is. Like such a deep kind of depression, but you kind of pair it too with like those up and downs.
And also something to note too is that you can become very like paranoid too.
[00:07:32] Jess: Yes. Paranoid. Almost like a tweaker. Mm-hmm. . Right. And then the other one that's really, that not that's really easy, but that's easier is the less. Need for less sleep. Like they're up all night on Amazon ordering new hobby books.
Right. That show, you know, the next day when they no longer wanna do 'em.
[00:07:50] Randi: Yeah, exactly. And with those things you can like too, like with the depression and like you said, like the eating or stuff, you can gain weight or you can have extreme weight loss too. Mm-hmm. , like if you're, like, if you're on like a manic, you know, kind of high and you're like going, going, going, and.
Sleeping and you're not focusing on, you know, eating and things like that. You can like lose weight. And sometimes these episodes, whether they're high or low, they can last for, sometimes they can last for a couple of days. Sometimes they can last for months.
[00:08:16] Jess: Sometimes they can also, we'll talk a little bit more, but they can actually what we call like rapid.
Rapid, uh, well cycling. Yeah. Thank you. I'm like, what is that word again? Um, and you can go through it all in a day. So
[00:08:28] Randi: you can do like high, low, high, low, high, low, high, low. Yeah. You know? Yeah. It could be hours, you know? Yeah. And then you do something like really harmful, you know? And then all of a sudden you're like, wait, what has happened?
Exactly. You know,
[00:08:40] Jess: I think the way we, I describe it to a lot of my clients is that, you know, they haven't figured out exactly like one reason for being bipolar, right? Mm-hmm. , there isn't just one thing. Um, typically it's genetics. It is if your parents are bipolar, you have a good chance of being bipolar.
Mm. Another one, you know, is if there's a lot of stress. Right? Um, but I don't see that one as much.
[00:09:04] Randi: No, I haven't either.
[00:09:06] Jess: That one I see more of a personality disorder. Mm-hmm. . Um, and they talk about how it mean most of the time I focus on the genetics piece.
[00:09:14] Randi: I see genetics and I've seen, um, a lot of.
Genetics paired with like post-traumatic stress disorder, like things that have like triggered or, um, also like the brain structure and function, like some people's brains are developed a certain way. Yeah. Or if you're exposed to trauma at a young age, your brain pathways can be developed a certain way and so you might not be as resilient to things that happen in your life.
So this could paired with genetics. Kind of trigger. Trigger it. Yep. Yeah. This to kind of like onset.
[00:09:49] Jess: The other thing we don't talk about enough too is that if you have bipolar, you don't always get diagnosed because it doesn't always get triggered, right? Mm-hmm. cause of the genetics, right? I've seen women where there's a one in four chance.
That having a baby is going to trigger your being bipolar. Mm. So you could always be this person who, yeah. Okay. A little reckless, a little this, a little that, but nothing extreme until you have a child. Mm-hmm. . Right. And so you have four kids, odds are one of 'em. You can end up in a dissociative episode.
[00:10:24] Randi: Mm-hmm. , um, because of it all of a sudden. And it's a lot of times women especially don't wanna. Diagnosed with this, or they don't understand they need to go talk to somebody because they said, well, I, I've done this before and I've never felt this way. Mm-hmm. . And it's like, but now's different. So I don't understand.
Well, every time you have something else, your body is going through a whole new shift. Mm-hmm. trauma. Hormone changes, so it's never gonna be the same, even if you've had like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 kids before and you've never had this issue and all of a sudden you're facing this issue, but it doesn't make sense and it's like, it does make sense because your body has totally changed, like genetically, physically, hormonally, every single time it's something different.
And so it's like, as women, we need to be aware of those things and it's. Not just bipolarism. There's so many things like, um, stress and childbirth can bring on like, oh, trauma of childbirth. I mean, we can get hold. Well, yeah, and also like other illnesses and stuff. Mm-hmm. like my mom, her, she had rheumatoid arthritis, but it wasn't triggered until after she had me.
Ah, okay. So it was the stress and her body changing that brought that, you know, dormant gene, you know, and activated. Things like this, like in mental health and you know, your physical health and emotional wellbeing that can be triggered from life stresses. Yeah.
[00:11:50] Jess: I think every mom, every child should just get a therapist right away.
Keep going. I
[00:11:54] Randi: really think, you know, you all need one on
[00:11:56] Jess: tap. Just leave one on. Yeah, just, just have one you can call. We go back to bipolar. Mm-hmm. , there are four different types of bipolar. Right. Even meat. I get
[00:12:04] Randi: confused about these. And so this is why it's hard for like the general public to understand this and to, and to digest it because it's like even, it's hard, you know, for us who have had the schooling with it because there's so many facets of it, right?
[00:12:17] Jess: So the one that we all commonly know is bipolar. That's the one where they've experienced one or more episodes of mania, which is like the, the, the high highs. Mm-hmm. . And those are the ones that are typically easier to diagnose because that's the risky behavior. That's the, you know,
[00:12:34] Randi: extreme. Yeah. And so, and, and their manic episode has to, lasted like seven days.
So like, it would be like a parent that somebody has been in a manic state for like seven days and. Though that can be hard because sometimes people like, that's all they know of that person and so they know them cycling and they're just think like, that's normal. Yeah. And it's like, uh, maybe not to like the, an outside observer.
[00:13:01] Jess: And that's why when you have a therapist, oftentimes I get clients that come to me for depression or anxiety, and after working with them for a while, then you can kind of pick up on the behaviors and you're. This is something different. Mm-hmm. . Right. And then, because they don't always describe it as at high and low.
Right. And so the one that doesn't get diagnosed as commonly is the bipolar two
[00:13:23] Randi: disorder. Right. Cuz it's harder to diagnose that to see that. Right. Because it's like, They're shifting through a depressive episode with the hypomanic episode,
[00:13:35] Jess: which is more so you don't have a super manic, you don't get the high highs no extremes.
It's more of the low, low lows. Right. Which I've seen those before. They don't necessarily have the high. And then the third type is, oh my God, I can never say this one. Right. Can you say
[00:13:50] Randi: this one? I don't. Cmic. See, we don't use that one very often, apparently. Yeah. Cmic disorder or Cmia, which is
[00:13:59] Jess: basically an unstable mood where they experience hypomania and mild depression for like two years.
I mean, this is somebody typically who's I I pretty
[00:14:09] Randi: severe. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. So they're always kind of cycling in and out of that, like, and it's a constant in your life.
[00:14:18] Jess: Right. And they don't have a lot of normal, like normal moods. It's either one or the other. Yeah. And it's not maintained and it's not controlled.
It's. It's that way. Right. And then the fourth one we just do is the not otherwise specified or unspecified. It's kind of when we are not really sure. You don't meet the full criteria for any of 'em, but we think there's definitely more than a mood disorder. I'm losing everybody. I know. Yeah, I know.
[00:14:41] Randi: Everybody's like, what? What? It's, don't worry about it. It's. Just like, you know, they're, you don't quite meet all the A, B, or C, so it'll kind of put you in this category. Yeah, we do. And that's just for insurance purposes, which is, you know, ridiculous. But they wanna label everybody. So here we are, . Okay, so how do we treat, okay, how do we treat it?
Or how do people get treatment for it?
[00:15:02] Jess: Most treatment starts with your therapist. Mm-hmm. , you gotta do therapy. Um, C B T D B T is really good for
[00:15:09] Randi: these. Yeah. Cognitive behavioral therapy.
[00:15:11] Jess: Dialectical behavioral therapy. Yeah.
[00:15:13] Randi: If you guys want all the technical
[00:15:14] Jess: terms. Yeah. D B T C B T, most of the time it's gonna be medications.
Mm-hmm. mood stabilizers. Learning how to what, uh, manage your
[00:15:23] Randi: stress coping skills, we call it like a toolbox. Yep. You know, of like, Skills, which usually you learn like hand in hand in like therapy or like group therapy or things like this, like things that you can use, um, to combat these things. When you kind of see that maybe you're gonna start cycling or you're gonna go into a manic episode, or you see yourself slipping into depression, you would, you know, implement these coping skills to help you.
[00:15:48] Jess: Right? And that's what your therapist will help you work on when you start feeling like this. Because oftentimes we have to learn. What are, we know what triggers are. Right? Right. Um, triggers are the things that upset us or that trigger something else. Right. But most people don't pay attention to what the warning signs are.
Mm-hmm. . And so that's something I always teach in therapy is, no, that's smart. What is a warning sign? Like, um, an example, not on bipolar, but like on anxiety. Mm-hmm. . Um, I have people tell me that sometimes, like, you know, they're hand. Okay. They get hot when nobody else is hot.
[00:16:22] Randi: So they're seeing like these physical warning signs.
Yes. Your body and then usually you're like, okay. And then you can think back like, wait, what's trigger me? Like, or cuz a lot of mental health too coincides with physical symptoms. Mm-hmm. . And so I think that's great thing to note and for people to put into their toolbox. Absolutely.
[00:16:41] Jess: Because most times people, they go, oh, I'm having an anxiety attack.
I can't breathe. I'm like, okay, you've missed like the. Five to 10 warning signs your body gave you. Mm-hmm. . So that way you could step aside. Yeah. Sometimes with bipolar you can pay attention to these warning signs and triggers. Sometimes it happens and Yeah, it just comes
[00:16:59] Randi: outta nowhere. Comes outta nowhere.
You on your ass. Yeah. Right. So, and I think that's why. A lot of times medication is the go-to with this because you are battling something that's genetic, so it's like hardwired, you know, basically into you. And it's like, so you need these coping skills and you need these to learn your warning, you know, signs and you know your triggers and stuff, and.
And talk to people about it, but also like how do you combat, like when your body is hardwired a certain way and your brain thinks a certain way,
[00:17:31] Jess: and with the medications, oftentimes what happens is that people will stop the medications because they feel good.
[00:17:37] Randi: Right? And so they're, you're like, I don't it need it.
You're right. And when you are manic, it's very easily and you have these grandiose ideas and you think you're like so wonderful and amazing and everything's going, you know, the perfect, and you know, nothing could go wrong. So you stop your medication and then everything comes crashing down again. Right?
And so it is always important to have like a good support system too. That can be like, Hey, like I noticed it seems like maybe you're kind of like off or like slipping, like have you mm-hmm. and learning to, not, to take offense to those things because you, these people are in your corner
[00:18:14] Jess: and Yeah. And they're truly in your corner.
And one of the ways I describe like a manic episode, the best that I can, since I'm not bipolar, I don't know, but just from what's been described, right? Mm-hmm. , you know, that moment where you're in your car and like a great song comes on. The sun is out. Right. And you're like, it's a Friday afternoon and you just feel good.
It's like that times like a hundred though. Yeah. Right? Because after that song's over, you're gonna be like, all right, cool. Next song. It doesn't
[00:18:43] Randi: continue. And we'd love to hear feedback too. Yes. From some of our listeners, if you guys. Experience this. Like, can you please like, write to us, tell us, like tag us, whatever, like about your experiences so we can share that with other people.
Mm-hmm. , because I feel like this is a conversation we need to have and open up about and like talk to people about so they know like how to support friends and family with this and like, We as therapists too, like know more about it and like other women can know about it and like you guys can create like the support system if we just talked about it more, I
[00:19:17] Jess: feel.
And recently, uh, Selena Gomez just came out. What? A,
[00:19:21] Randi: I was Yeah, we were talking about, yeah. All of the documentary and a new song, um, about her battling depression and stuff. Mm-hmm. , we thought that was a, You know, opening conversation and talking point, especially for like young women and stuff who might not have like a support system or like, or might be fearful of talking to friends and family about it or
[00:19:41] Jess: not understand what they're going for,
[00:19:43] Randi: right?
Because maybe you think it's normal.
[00:19:45] Jess: Right. Yeah. I mean here she was, it talks about how, uh, she was sharing that, you know, she was diagnosed with bipolar when she went through a period of being in psychosis. I think this was like back in 20 18, 20 19, right? Yeah. And you know what? We didn't define psychosis.
How would we define psychosis for people?
[00:20:04] Randi: I would say almost kind of like in a blockout state. Mm-hmm. ,
[00:20:08] Jess: um, doing very reckless, very extreme. I don't wanna call it like crazy. Right. But you don't make sense. You're not making sense. Your, your paranoia is coming up. Um, this is when people will do, like, when you're in a psychosis, I mean, that's when you'll see people doing some of those things that you're like on tv.
[00:20:30] Randi: right. Kinda like, um, when like Kanye West, like goes off of things, so it's like it psychosis, I guess you could better say almost like dissociation. Mm-hmm. like where you are Totally. Having a break from reality. Yes. There you go. Thank you. That's it. So I think this. What is confusing when we say psychosis is, it sounds so similar to a lot of other things.
Yes, but I think also in like a lot of like movies and things like that, when they've used that terminology, you almost think of like a person kind of like blanked out, like rocking in a chair
[00:21:04] Jess: or like s. Friend yet. Right.
[00:21:05] Randi: And it's not, it's not that. It can be just like you're like completely out of it.
Mm-hmm. and like you're having like a break from reality. Like you're not checked in, you're not tuned in, like you said, like you're not, um, you're doing these things like these motions, but there's like no connection
[00:21:22] Jess: and they don't make sense. Right. They're not real, but they feel very real to you. Right.
And they feel very valid. Mm-hmm. . Um, but most of us will look at it and be like, um, that's not. I do know that we find a lot of celebrities actually end up having things like bipolar or, um, some of these other mental health
[00:21:41] Randi: issues. Right, right. Uh, Howey, um, well, I just saw him a concert Machine Gun Kelly.
Um, who else? Carrie Fisher, if you're
[00:21:50] Jess: older. Robert Downey, Jr. Mm-hmm. . Right? I mean, some of these ones that we can see. Mariah Carey. Mel Gibson. Yeah. You know, we've seen them on, you know, Charlie Sheen? Oh
[00:22:01] Randi: yeah. He had a psychosis break that was, had a break. Yep. Yeah. That was televised and things like that.
Ben Stiller. Yeah. And so there's, and Aaron Carter, he just passed away.
[00:22:11] Jess: Oh, I didn't know
[00:22:12] Randi: that. Okay. But yeah, he, uh, he had a drug problem too, which is something else too. Mm-hmm. like this can mimic like a lot of things like substance. Um, I mean, you can have it with, you know, other things like ptsd, anxiety, borderline personality disorder.
These two also get confused a lot. Yeah. So, um, it, it is very tricky to understand and diagnose so you're not alone and feeling that if you're worried about it.
[00:22:38] Jess: Yeah. And if you are not sure. Get with a therapist who can help you evaluate this. Mm-hmm. . Right. Get with a psychiatrist if you need medication management.
Yeah. Um, but really start with your therapist because they're trained to, to be like, okay, let's check and see what this is and let's follow you along with this to see kind of how these behaviors
[00:22:57] Randi: happen. Yeah. And ask them to explain it. Like, I'm the type of therapist, like I will sit down and go through what a d.
Is mm-hmm. , what it means, what needs to be happening, what we're looking for, and make sure like it's being matched up. I know, um, a lot of people probably aren't as thorough with that, so make sure you're asking the right questions and getting with the right therapist, but circling back also to why do so many creative types you think.
[00:23:26] Jess: Bipolarism. Yeah. I think it's the way, I mean, Britney spirits, right? Right. I think it's the way their brains are wired. Just like adhd, your brain is wired differently. Most ADHD are extremely creative. Mm-hmm. . Right. Those are your artists, your digital artists, your creators. Yeah. Your different creators of different means.
And so I think it's because, you know, if we kind of stick to the neuro divergent brain mm-hmm. , right. And if the way it's wired. People, they, they have more creativity.
[00:23:58] Randi: Yeah. Well, a lot of them too. A lot of these, um, actors and stuff have been childhood stars too. Mm-hmm. . So I think that there's maybe something too that comes into, into play with that trauma.
Yeah. Like childhood trauma or like, maybe because they worked. So hard, so young. They didn't have the normal maybe like development. Oh, interesting. They would if, if they were maybe like, these are just like random ideas. This is nothing. Like these are just my, this is not in dsm, just so you know, these is, this is not technical.
Randy does not do technical terms on here. Um, so yeah, I think, but yeah, cuz like, I mean, if you were not out playing with sticks and stones or whatever, or toys with your kids, You know, supposed to be like a mini adult, like from a childhood aunt, or that could like impact
[00:24:40] Jess: things. Yeah. Or you know, we could say that maybe they did have a bigger personality.
True, yeah. And that they, because of the way their brain was wired. Right. That is something they wanted to do. Yeah. Because of more of that, you know, being able to go big. Right,
[00:24:55] Randi: right. Yeah. That's,
[00:24:57] Jess: Oh. Hmm. But like Randy said earlier, we would love to hear from you if you would like to share with us. We would love to share and create, you know, a network for people to kind of be able to share what their experiences are with this.
[00:25:10] Randi: and make this normal. Yeah. And if you guys have more questions specifically about. This or any other mental health topic, please go to our website, randy and jess and send us an email. Leave us a comment, um, because we love talking about subjects that you guys wanna get down and dirty on, you wanna dig into, you wanna know more about because we just don't talk about this stuff enough.
And that's what we're here for. Yep. Tune in next week and we'll talk to you then. See you later. 2, 3, 4. Thanks for listening and normalizing mental health with. Go for
[00:25:43] Jess: to check out our free resources and favorites on our website, unapologetically randy and
[00:25:49] Randi: like and share this episode and tune in next week.