The Important Bits

We're certain you get it, but let's put it out there clearly:

The 'Women's Mental Health Podcast' social media platforms and podcast are not meant to replace therapeutic relationships or substitute professional mental health care. Hosts are licensed psychotherapists and want to clarify that their media handles provide content that is intended for education and entertainment purposes alone, and no therapeutic relationship is formed by engaging with their content online. All expression of viewpoints, lengthy sentences, and passionate discussions are personal to them and do not reflect any form of professional advice.

Women's Mental Health Podcast primarily recommend products they personally find helpful. The podcast and their social media handles might contain affiliate links that could earn a small commission at no additional cost to you, which will go towards supporting the continual production of their content. In turn, you get to enjoy their product recommendations, hence creating a mutually beneficial scenario.


Last updated on October 5 2023


The information put forth by Amazing Stealz Inc., operating as Women's Mental Health Podcast https://womensmentalhealthpodcast. ("Site") is merely for general informational use. Despite our best efforts to provide accurate and reliable information, we do not guarantee the adequacy, validity, reliability, or completeness of what the Site offers. We hold no responsibility for any losses incurred as a result of reliance on the information obtained from the Site.


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